Friday, May 13, 2011

What's with the name of this blog?

It's kind of a funny story.  Over on my main blog, I sometimes showcase conversations I have with my three year old son.  I'm usually dragging him, along with his baby sister, to Hobby Lobby or Michael's or Jo-Ann Fabrics.  He's always asking:

"Mommy, where are we going?"

and of course I'll say:

"To the craft store."   Then the conversation goes something like this:

Him: "To the crap store?"
Me: "No, honey, the craFT store."
Him: "The crap store?"
Me: "No, baby. The crAFT store. Ffff. Ffff. CraFT store."
Him: "Ohhhh. The craP store."
Me: *sigh* "Well, if nothing else, your father will agree with you."

And lo, a blog was born. Welcome to "Crap I've Made!"

*I fear I will find all sorts of what-the-hell, fetisher wrong turns with a blog title like that.*

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